Haverhill Herald & Twin State Times

Bradford, Vermont Parks & Rec Newsletter April ’23

** Volunteers Needed
Join us for the 2023 spring Work Day at Elizabeth’s Park on April 15 from 9-2pm, lunch provided.
Registration isn’t required but it’s helpful for the lunch head count. (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSey10oui9DfGykDPkfB2OwWnaHMzSNSTbj2L5rWCa0hX272HQ/viewform?usp=sf_link)

If you would like to contribute candy to the Easter Egg Hunt, please drop off candy donations at the BA in the front lobby. You’ll see an orange water dispenser with a pink sign. BA hours are Mon-Thurs 6:30 am-4 pm.
Also, we’ll be stuffing eggs Thursday night at 6 pm in the BA room 22. Join us.

And Thanks to Oxbow NHS who is helping with the Saturday morning, April 8, Easter egg hunt that will be at Elizabeth’s Park at 10am, rain or shine.

** THANKS to those who helped this winter
Appreciation to all those that worked on the ice skating rink, a 100% volunteer effort kept this outdoor recreational asset available for all from 8am-8pm most days.
And thanks to those that picked up some one else’s soda bottle or dog poop. We know many helpers contribute each and every day.

** Book the Pavilion or other park
Want to book the pavilion or the picnic area in the pines at EP for a birthday party or company picnic? Or Denny or Boch Park for your public event? Click the button below where you can check availability and fill out the form online.

​** The Selectboard is still looking to hire to fill the Recreation Director position:  https://bradford-vt.us/town-govt/employment/

** Summer Camp
Many folks have been asking. Before COVID, we offered a summer camp for our young people (@K-5th) but without a Recreation Director we won’t be able to run a summer camp. However, we are working with Wicked Cool For Kids to POSSIBLY facilitate 5 weeks of STEAM (Science Tech Engineering Art Math) focussed options. Stay tuned. Follow our Facebook page for most current info.
